We subjected ourselves, including many children to all these risks, but for what exactly? Covid was never going to kill the youth, nevertheless, our precious governments still mandated the vaccines. This is a clear indicator that we let the media and gov’ts gain too much power.
多くの子供たちを含め、私たちは自分自身をこれらすべてのリスクにさらしましたが、正確には何のために? Covidが若者を殺すことは決してありませんでしたが、それでも、私たちの貴重な政府は依然としてワクチンを義務付けていました.これは、私たちがメディアと政府に力を与えすぎていることを明確に示しています。
We subjected ourselves, including many children to all these risks, but for what exactly? Covid was never going to kill the youth, nevertheless, our precious governments still mandated the vaccines. This is a clear indicator that we let the media and gov’ts gain too much power.