


予防接種に疑問を唱える17人の「反ワクチン派」セレブリティ名鑑 | Rolling Stone Japan(ローリングストーン ジャパン)

This week I went to Sacramento to talk to legislators in California about a proposed bill. I am not against vaccinations — I support children getting vaccinations and I also support families having the right to make educated medical decisions for their children alongside their physicians. My concern with #SB276 is solely regarding medical exemptions. My dearest friends have a child with a medical condition that warrants an exemption from vaccinations, and should this bill pass, it would greatly affect their family’s ability to care for their child in this state. That’s why I spoke to legislators and argued against this bill. Not because I don’t believe in vaccinations, but because I believe in giving doctors and the families they treat the ability to decide what’s best for their patients and the ability to provide that treatment. I encourage everyone to read more on this issue and to learn about the intricacies of #SB276. Thank you to everyone who met with me this week to engage in this important discussion!

Jessica Biel(@jessicabiel)がシェアした投稿 –



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    トランプ大統領の発言のように、さまざまな障害。特に自閉症との関係は深く疑われておるものの、医療界にははぐらかされている状態。まぁ病院もビジネスですからね。 「健康的な幼い子供が医者に行って、何種類ものワクチンが入ったバカでかい注射を打たれて、具合が悪くなってすっかり変わってしまう。自閉症に。ほとんどの場合がそうだ!」   まぁワクチンは打ちたい人は売れば良いけど、もう気づいた人には拒否できるようにはして欲しいですね。 マスクもこれだけ常識になったので、人口削減の必要数に達するのでは?